Video marketing strategy is the plan designed by marketing teams to establish, leverage, and exploit videos to market their products or services to a larger number of the targeted audience.

The idea is to keep an audience engaged and accustomed to the brand in a suitable and easy way to digest.


  1. Improves the effectiveness in receiving the message

In most cases, the videos are watched at leisure. The consumer's mind is more predisposed to incorporating advertising messages. Therefore, they must integrate your content strategy.

Likewise, it is considered that a message transmitted through an audiovisual medium, which combines images, music, voice-over, and text, is more effective than one that is carried out through the traditional textual route.

2. Promote engagement

This can be defined as the emotional bond that occurs between a brand and its customers. From the theoretical basis of emotional branding, through your digital strategy's video marketing, it can connect with the users' emotions to achieve customer loyalty.

Video marketing strategies.

1. Taking advantage of blogs, social media, and landing pages

One advantage of videos is that they can be hosted on different platforms. It is content that lends itself easily to sharing. If placed in a company blog as an element that gives dynamism to an article's structure, it becomes a very effective magnet.

 Let's imagine reading an article that contains only text, with no multimedia content: after a while, we could lose the thread and leave the page. The presence of a video. It awakens attention and makes reading more enjoyable. If it is also shared on social media, the echo will be even more expansive.

Therefore, the first piece of advice is to take advantage of the blog as a starting point for publishing viral videos, which will then be able to bounce from social media into social media.

Depending on the customer journey in which we think the user may be found when he is watching the video, we can also choose to insert it within a landing page aimed at conversion. Small note: the video marketing strategy must be in line with the overall editorial planning.

2. Choosing the cut to give: informative, educational, entertainment

Like any other public-centric content, a video must also be useful to the user. You may have noticed the tutorials' great success: users appreciate them because they respond to their needs.

The tutorial can explain how to do something or solve a problem, taking an informative slant. But we also have webinars or free online seminars that form on a specific topic: smart content that is perceived almost as a gift from the brand.

Or the video can have the purpose of entertaining the user, leveraging his emotions. Therefore, the second piece of advice is to choose the cut you want to give it, alternating as much as possible informative, educational, and entertainment content. In all cases, curiosity must be stimulated within the first 5 seconds.

3. Considering mobile and tablet browsing.

How many times, maybe while you are waiting for the bus, do you pick up your smartphone or tablet and surf the internet? Thanks to videos, your brand can more easily capture the user's attention who, just like you, browses these mobile devices at different times of the day.

To create viral videos that your audience will appreciate and share in any context, it is crucial to make sure that they are always easily accessible, even from mobile and tablet.

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