What do you do when you need something? Of course, you find a way to get it quick. That's what makes the internet so beautiful. It is the perfect problem-solving tool. Every time you open your browser to search for something, you get answers.

More often than not, the answers you'll get usually come in the form of a long block of texts which, quite frankly, are exhausting to read (Not this one, though), you might be in such a hurry that you'll not have the patience to read through. What if there were means to get to that solution quicker without navigating through a large block of text. That's where explainer videos come in.

Ironically, in this block of text, I'm going to help you solve your marketing problem by showing you why explainer videos should be on your to-do list. That's if you're a business owner. If, on the other hand, you're here just for knowledge sake, I'll quell the curiosity in you and show you a faster means of getting information online. Now pay attention

What are Explainer Videos?

These are short, engaging online marketing videos used to explain a company's product or service. They are usually easier to understand and convenient if you're multitasking. If you've come across such videos in the past, you'll remember the videos were promoted as solutions to specific problems.

This is why they are prevalent today. Explainer videos alone have increased some companies' websites' conversion rates by 144%. If you're looking to improve your brand's position in the market, explainer videos are among the essential assets you should have. 

Why you need to have explainer videos on your website

Explainer videos keep your viewers hooked:

 I don't know if you've noticed, but you are constantly bombarded with a plethora of information every day: much more than you can process in a day. Because of that, your attention span is no longer what it used to be.

As a business owner, you only have eight seconds to convince an individual that the content in front of them is what they are looking for. Explainer videos keep viewers hooked to your site, sometimes long enough to convince them to buy from you.

Explainer videos improve your conversion rates:

 When placed correctly on your website's landing page, an explainer video scripted with a talented copywriter's aid will aid in conversions. Many people won't bother browsing through your site to find the products or services you have to offer unless something prompts them to.

An explainer video can be the boost you need to increase the number of sales you have.

Explainer videos make you visible: if you know a thing or two about SEO, you'll agree that now, websites with mixed media (videos and Images) rank higher than websites without mixed media.

Because of that, an explainer video is crucial (except you don't want to be seen). Ensure that when you create one, your tag words and video title are SEO optimized. 

Explainer videos make you stand out from the crowd: 

Everyone today can make a website. A simple but professional looking website is more likely to make more sales than the alternative. The addition of explainer videos gives it a professional vibe. When well crafted, it shows your business's legitimacy and why people should buy from you rather than from other sources. Innovation is critical here because there are millions of explainer videos online.  


I hope this article helped you out today. Keep in mind that you'll need to understand your audience first before you make an explainer video.

What are they looking forHow can you solve a pressing need of theirs with your product? 

Put yourself in their shoes and also learn to speak their language.

When you have all these down, the next thing is the delivery. Nobody will watch a boring video, no matter how short it seems. The first few seconds of your video will matter a lot. Make sure it's exciting and captivating enough to draw their attention. 

Finally, pay attention to quality. Videos of good quality will get more clicks than the alternative.

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